February 10th – 12th 2017
The man tried to shut us down. Demolishing the partyplace, arresting the organizers and hijacking our website for capitalism! The people rioted in the streets! The elite cracked out of Saltvik, Hall and Kumla! Truckstop Alaska was rebuilt stronger – to last longer! The return of the best party in the world… yes, DATASTORM IS BACK!
"DATASTORM - when Swedish mys and angry DATA makes a multiplatform vegan love child."– Archmage |
"For me, Datastorm is the ultimate demoscene experience. I have been visiting parties since the early 90's and Datastorm is like going back in time to the good old days."– Randy |
"Datastorm is my alltime favorite demoparty. The atmosphere, people and the quality of releases is just legendary."– Randy |
"Datastorm is the high point of the year, sceners know this and claw for tickets. Perhaps this is the reason the visitor list is so choice, and a magic atmosphere is the result. Datastorm is, quite simply, righteous."– Photon |
"Held in the coziest and best partyplace ever, very nice bar staff, great (and cheap) food & drinks, very competent compo-crew and friendly atmosphere. Not only that, DATASTORM also has top quality sceners and compos, which makes it one of the very best demoparties!"– Zabutom |
"DATASTORM is the perfect place for sofa sceners where you leave home to find yourself sharing the datastorm sofa in a most comfortable setting with Scandinavia's finest sceners. My kind of data!"– Mahoney |
"Computer parties used to be great, got taken over by game lamers, but extracting the scene from the gamers made the parties turn in to cost gathering of like minded, sharing the passion for their hobby, while having a beer. In quite fierce competition, Datastorm stand out as the best one of its kind in Sweden."– Bacchus |
"Datastorm is the last outpost for the oldschool scene. Genuinity at it's best."– Rubberduck |
"If you are a scener and haven't been to Datastorm, you haven't really lived. Datastorm is on the bucket list for anyone who likes both business, pleasure and anadulterated senior computing. Never miss out!"– Goto80 |
"If I had a second chance to lose my demoparty virginity, i'd do it all again at DATASTORM!!"– Amiga Junglism |
"DATASTORM is eating me alive and I love every second of it! Give me hell!"– Spot |
"DATASTORM - when Swedish mys and angry DATA makes a multiplatform vegan love child."– Archmage |
Wanna know the deadline for your compo? Are you going to release music, mind that the deadline for all music compos is on Friday! All events/deadlines/compos are on the hour. Dogflippr, mind the dog flipping, you know where to be…
Download the schedule here!

Releases and Results
Thank you all for making the best DATASTORM yet together with us!
A proper “after party” page will be set up soon, but in the meantime enjoy the releases and the results:
Results and Releases
SceneSat got you covered!
Many of you have asked, and yes, DATASTORM will be streamed by none other than SceneSat.
Tune in on https://scenesat.com/video on Friday the 10:th.
Dave Haynie, Mofos!
Our great sponsor King has the honour to give you secret guest number two: former Commodore chief engineer and hardware wizard Dave Haynie! He will talk about his years at Commodore, empty the bar and he might even answer a question or two.
Welcome to DATASTORM Dave, we are ready!
Rapid Images presents LFT
Our great sponsor Rapid Images presents LFT on his Pocket Operators!
Continue reading
TRSI – The Story
We will sit down in our cozy sofa on stage and have a long talk with a pretty well known face from TRSI. We will watch photos from back in the day while he tells us funny stories from back then. We might also hear a thing or two about his time after TRSI.
Got Gold?
Hacking invites pays off!
King presents Andreas Tadic
Our great sponsor King presents one of the secret guests at DATASTORM! The legendary Amiga game developer behind smash hits like Project-X and Superfrog – Andreas Tadic!
Continue reading
New Visitors from the Waiting List
Sadly a bunch of people have let us know that they can’t make it to DATASTORM.
DJ Set with Magnar
Magnar will perform his special demo-scene DJ set containing modern remixes of his C64 SID songs from many popular demo releases.
Arcade Machines
Bring your quarters! In our quest to maximize DATASTORM we have no less than 4 arcade cabs operating 24/7 during the party! FIGHT!
Opening Ceremony
It’s about time we reveal some juicy details about the opening ceremony!
Hello visitors!
We are currently working on the visitor list. We recently sent a mail to all visitors on the list asking if you’re still coming to DATASTORM or if you have changed your mind. We don’t want any empty chairs and get people on the waiting list in. If you can’t make it please e-mail datastorm2017 at pacific.nu and let us know!
Golden Tickets Revealed!
Check out the brand new, totally fly visitor list! The oh so glorious golden tickets are listed first! Congratulations to all the winners! You’ll get granted free entrance at DATASTORM 2017!
If you didn’t get a ticket…
…all hope is not lost. There’s still hidden parts to be exploited and some people managed to get in on the waiting list before we turned it off.
Rapid Images <3 Datastorm
King <3 Datastorm
Our friends at King will support Datastorm to make it a better party for everyone! <3
More info to come!
Your C64 is about, or more than, 30 years old these days, and if you want it to live for many years to come, you should really invest in a re-cap on your C64, or in a saver for your PSU.
Pixel talk with Prowler
Prowler will talk about his pixel art project “The masters of Pixel Art”. Why it was done – the challenges and experience that came out of it.
Volume 2 – still wet from the press, will be available at the party.
Discounts at the Quality Hotel 11
Datastorm visitors will get a special deal at the Nordic Choice Hotels Quality Hotel 11 which is located close to the party.
Discounts at The Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel
Datastorm visitors will get a special deal at The Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel which is located close to the party.
Live C64-Ambient with Goto80
Goto80 will play a cozy live C64-ambient set for breakfast. You’ll be able to see the tracker on the bigscreen to measure the 1337 factor in real-time!
Facebook Page
In case you missed it or are afraid to miss out, we have a Facebook page!
Find it here:
Facebook page
Spelpappan will tell the fantastic story of how his book, “Generation 64”, developed from a simple web article to a must-have classic. He will also show some bits from the upcoming book, “Generation 500”.
Re-cap your Amiga at DATASTORM
Does your Amiga behave in a strange way, smell a bit fishy or do you just want to extend the life of your Amiga?
Noise Tracker – The Story
Mahoney will hold a speech about the birth and making of the legendary NoiseTracker.
DJ Jucke
Our resident DJ, Jucke will do his best to blast your ear drums with a new experimental set expect total chaos and SID sounds!
GGS Data
Like every year, Gunne from GGS-Data will be present selling hot gear for your Amiga and your C64!
Bring a big pile of cash!
MC Pipe on da S-Video once again!
You know the deal by now;
Pipe will be present with his S-Video kits as usual.
Either you buy one off him or you slide him some more cash and let him solder it in place.
DJ H0ffman
DJ H0ffman is back at DATASTORM 2017 with his custom Amiga DJ Tool! Expect some hot Amiga beats in the bar area! Peeeeople Deeeeeeeadaaahhh!
The deal
Up Rough Soundsystem, Genesis Project, Divine Stylers, Pacif!c & Tulou once again invite you to DATASTORM, the ultimate winter party for people operating on machines with SOUL. Yes, WE ARE BACK! It’s going down on the 10th of February 2017 and keeps going until the 12th of February 2017! The last few years of Datastorm speak for themselves – we are now the world’s best oldskool party! DATASTORM is the definite party for the oldskool elite! The party location that you have learned to love is back (yes, the exact same place!), in the city of Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast. The city is easy to reach through two international airports, ferry, train or car. The entrance fee is set to 300 SEK (~30E) (only Swedish currency accepted, ATM available nearby), with dinner included on Saturday and breakfast included on Saturday and Sunday. Proper breakfast, good food, served by the bar personnel.

The party place
The party is held at the same nice venue as always, an underground club hidden in an industrial complex close to the centre of the city. Being a former industrial building converted into a nightclub we can offer special features such as industrial grade electrical systems providing all the current you could ever need. We have two maps for your party finding pleasure:
GPS Locations: RT90
X: 6404797,
Y: 1269407 WGS84 Lat N 57° 42′ 31″ Lon E 11° 56′ 8″
Decimal: 57.7087, 11.9358
Street address: Karlavagnsgatan 13 Gothenburg Sweden

The full-service concept which is the trademark of DATASTORM includes personnel working shifts in the mighty mighty bar & kitchen at almost all hours through the whole party. Our 1st grade cooks will deliver breakfast, dinner, and supper on announced times. When the special meals are not served, barfood like pizza, hummus rolls, falafel and kebab can be ordered at all times! Everything for a price that even the scener on a budget can afford! Of course you can also buy snacks, candy, tobacco, rizla+, earplugs and all other stuff a scener might need during the party… And the coffee is free, so you don’t fall asleep before your releases are finished in time for the competition! For people who like lists we made this one with some of the most prominent features of the party..
Bar open almost all hours with full assortment of cheap beer/wine/softdrinks.
2 Breakfasts and 1 Dinner included in entrance fee, vegetarian alternatives available.
A variety of cheap barfood and snacks is available anytime.
Superchill environment with cozy furniture.
6 clean toilets. No queues! Never pee your pants! Freedom!
Very powerful nightclub soundsystem! Delivers all the bass you can handle (and more)..
Cocktail data – we strive to get the perfect mix of socializing and computing!

The battles
The mighty competition is too mighty to deal with in one evening. The music competitions will be held on friday night. The rest of the competitions will be held on Saturday evening as usual with the winners being presented after midnight… The atmosphere when all competitors are present during the compo is unbeatable. Therefore we do not allow remote entries which means that at least one of the authors of an entry must be present at the party. The exception to this rule is the music entries. You are free to submit these to us by mail if you will not make it to the party on Friday! However, if you don’t show up on the party on Saturday, your entry will be disqualified! The procedure of handing in your competition entries is as follows:
- Place your entries on a physical storage media. For Amiga we accept 3.5″ floppydisks and CF-cards. For C64 we accept 5.25″ floppydisks. For other formats we accept whatever media the particular backup unit is designed for (Flashcart/Floppys/CD’s). Floppies are kept so keep a backup. If you hand in expensive media (CFs/USB sticks/Laserdiscs) be sure to mark it up with your handle in order to get it back safely.
- Find yourself an application-form and fill it in with information about your release, specific routines for running it, what SID-chip should be used etc. One form per entry!
Deliver 1+2 to Sixx at the info desk. - Hedning and Redcrab of Genesis Project will help the confused emulator sceners to transfer C64 entries to floppy, for the cost of one (1) floppy disk.
We reserve the right to merge compos if we don’t get enough entries and split compos if we get enough entries for new categories in addition to those listed below. If your platform is not listed among our compomachines YOU are responsible for making your work display properly on the bigscreen. Please also let us know beforehand if you are going to bring exotic hardware..
- A500, 68000@7.14MHz, 1MB (512/512), KS 1.3
- A1200, 68060@50MHz, 64MB, KS 3.1
- C64, 8580, 1541 Ultimate, AR6 rom active
- C64, 6581, 1541 Ultimate, AR6 rom active
You are very welcome to release on other platforms than those stated above, but you will have to bring the hardware yourself!

Unlimited size.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
If we don’t get enough entries it will be merged with the Amiga 1200 compo.
Unlimited size.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
If we don’t get enough entries it will be merged with the Amiga 500 compo.
Maximum executable size: 65536b.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
Must quit to WB on LMB
Should preferably work both in AGA and OCS/ECS setups.
If we don’t get enough entries it will be merged with the Amiga 1200 demo compo.
Maximum executable size: 4096b.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
Must quit to WB on LMB.
Should preferably work both in AGA and OCS/ECS setups.
If we don’t get enough entries it will be merged with the Amiga 64K intro compo.
Anything you can fit into the Amiga bootblock.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
Submit a floppy or diskimage.
Should preferably work both in AGA and OCS/ECS setups.
Example code how to make a bootblock, by Blueberry/Loonies.
If we don’t get enough entries it will be merged with the Amiga 4K intro compo.
Unlimited size.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
Maximum executable size: 4096b.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.
All oldschool platforms accepted.
Maximum runtime: 10 minutes.Bring your own hardware.
Bring a backup video of your demo in case something goes wrong.
Allowed formats: IFF and executables
Allowed resolutions: All OCS/ECS/AGA modes
Provide some workstages.
IFFs will be displayed in PPaint in the compo
Allowed formats: TXT
Make sure you use Amiga line breaks. Entries will be shown in CED.
Allowed formats: IFF
Allowed resolutions: All OCS/ECS/AGA modes
Max 256 colours.
Specify if you want to use linear/blend-shift or normal mode.
All formats/modes allowed.
Provide some workstages.
Executable files only.
All formats/modes allowed.
Executable files only.
All formats/modes allowed.
It will be displayed in its native format on the target platform.
All Amiga-editor tracker formats are allowed.
We reserve the right to limit the length of music entries to four minutes, to keep the compo time reasonable.
All amiga tracker formats are allowed.
Max-size: 20kb (20480 bytes).
Max-length: 4 minutes.
All C64-editor formats are allowed.
New or old SID-Chip.
Executable files only.
Max-length: 4 minutes
Any old console/computer goes.
Newskool formats (XM/S3M/IT/MP3) are not allowed.)
No interactions with the hardware while playing the music is allowed.
Our AMIGA viewer displays IFF images with color cycling. Up to 16 ranges are supported. The ranges and individual speed of each color cycle is set in the palette menu in dpaint. Download our Amiga viewer here to test with while making your color cycle image: SuperCycler

From Landvetter Airport get on the airport bus and hop off at the Nils Ericson terminal (end of the line). Take bus 16 from the stop Nordstan, just outside the terminal, to Lindholmen.
If you’re traveling from Denmark or Germany, you can usually get a good price on the ferries. Prices and schedules can be found on the Stena Line home page:
http://www.stenaline.de/faehren/ http://www.stenaline.dk/faerge/
Walk along the road right outside the terminal towards the city for about 10 minutes, sooner or later you’ll end up where the ferry “Älvsnabben” stops. Take the right ferry (pick the wrong one for some 40 mins Gothenburg harbor sight-seeing) to “Lindholmen”. Follow the map to the partyplace. (5 min walk). If you arrive late in the evening the ferries won’t be available. If that is the case, just walk over the bridge that is connected to the terminal to the other side of the big road where you will find a tramstop. Take line 3/9/11 to “Brunnsparken”. Get on bus 16 at the stop Nordstan to “Lindholmen”.
When you come out from the terminal, take the road going to the right and walk down to the water. You’ll spot the “Älvsnabben” ferrystop quite easy. Take the ferry (there is just one ferry going from this stop) to “Lindholmen”. Follow the map to the partyplace (5min walk). If you arrive late at night or don’t like ferries for whatever reason, just follow the signs to “Chapmans Torg” from the terminal and take tram 3/9/11 to “Brunnsparken”. Get on bus 16 at the stop Nordstan to “Lindholmen”.
If you’re traveling by bus, you arrive at the Nils Ericsson bus terminal. Walk over to the train station next door, and follow the directions from there.
After arriving at the Centralstationen train station, exit towards Nordstan. Get on bus 16 at the stop and go to Lindholmen.
If you’re traveling by car, you will be arriving on the E6, either from the north or from the south.
Take exit 76, towards Norra Älvstranden Note that it goes parallel with the E6 for a few hundred meters, inside a concrete barrier. Once you’re up off the E6, keep left and keep following signs to N Älvstranden.
First Sign
Second Sign
Third Sign
Fourth Sign
Fifth Sign
Take a left to Lindholmen
Drive down Karlavagnsgatan (1)
Drive down Karlavagnsgatan (2)
The party is at the end of Karlavagnsgatan in the small yellow buildings with red roofs.
Just tell the driver to take you to “Karlavagnsgatan on Lindholmen”. If the driver don’t know where that is just say “tramstop Lindholmen” and walk the remaining 100 metres from there (check the map)..
If you’re traveling by car, you will be arriving on the E6, either from the north or from the south.
Take exit 76, towards Norra Älvstranden Note that it goes parallel with the E6 for a few hundred meters, inside a concrete barrier. Once you’re up off the E6, keep left and keep following signs to N Älvstranden.
First Sign
Second Sign
Third Sign
Fourth Sign
Fifth Sign
Take a left to Lindholmen
Drive down Karlavagnsgatan (1)
Drive down Karlavagnsgatan (2)
The party is at the end of Karlavagnsgatan in the small yellow buildings with red roofs.
Just tell the driver to take you to “Karlavagnsgatan on Lindholmen”. If the driver don’t know where that is just say “tramstop Lindholmen” and walk the remaining 100 metres from there (check the map)..
There is space for around 5-10 cars to park for free right outside the partyplace. There is also an unlimited amount of parking nearby, just look at the map.
If you cannot handle heavy data noise and smell during nights you may enjoy the DATASTORM discounted rooms at Hotel 11 which provides all the luxury you can imagine. According to Bepp/Triad and Siw Malmqwist the breakfast buffet is worth the cash alone!
1 bed room: 795 SEK per night.
2 bed room: 850 SEK per night.
3 bed room: 1050 SEK per night.
4 bed room: 1250 SEK per night.
Breakfast buffet inlcluded for all rooms.
To get the discount drop the discount code DATASTORM when you book your room!
Datastorm visitors will get a special deal at The Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel which is located close to the party.
The Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel, Gothenburg sits on the harbor of the Göta River, just beside international Lindholmen Science Park and a 10-minute water ferry ride to the city center. Also close to public transport, including the Lindholmspiren ferry, train and bus stations, the hotel makes it easy for guests to travel Gothenburg and beyond.
This ultramodern hotel comprises 265 well-appointed rooms and suites with Free high-speed, wireless Internet and access to 24-hour room service, the wellness center and the hotel’s Super Breakfast Buffet. Its renowned onsite restaurant, Cuckoo’s Nest, presents eclectic, innovated local dining.
After a day of meetings or sightseeing, take a break at the top-floor wellness center where guests can enjoy 2 indoor pools, sauna, gym and spa treatments.
For more information and room reservation at a discounted offer for Datastorm 2017, please press this link:

Since the party is being held at a licensed nightclub you cannot bring your own booze due to strict Swedish laws on alcohol.
However, we assure you that you will be perfectly satisfied with the in-house assortment of beverages which is served at a very reasonable price, a glass of wine is 25 SEK which is about 2.5 EUR. Because of this you have to be 18 years or older to enter the party. In order not to shut any young creative minds out from the action, we might grant access to the party for minors on a case-to-case basis, contact us about this if you are affected.
Smoke outside. Smoking is illegal in nightclubs in Sweden.
Don’t forget to bring:
Electricity multi-sockets. Real hardware. Laptops may only be brought inside the partyhall for cross-development purposes. Printouts of the maps. As it looks now the bar won’t manage credit/debit-cards, so bring cash! An ATM is reachable near the partyplace…